How to Clean Hot Toys Figures

When it comes to high-end, ultra-realistic action figures featuring characters like Batman, Spider-Man and the Avengers, there are few brands more recognized than Hot Toys. Yet given that these figures can be incredibly expensive and fragile, the question often arises about how to clean Hot Toys figures.

The Three Best Ways to Clean Hot Toys Figures

1. Compressed Air

One of the best ways to clean your Hot Toys figures is using a simple can of compressed air (also known as “air dusters”). Normally used to clean off keywords and sensitive electronics, these cans are perfect for clearing dust and debris from your Hot Toys action figures, releasing a gentle yet effective blast of air. Just be sure to use cautious when applying bursts and don’t get too close as you may knock parts or accessories off from you figure.

Using the attachable “stem” that comes with these cans also means you can get just about any hard-to-reach area and don’t have to worry about scratches or damage that might occur from dusting. That makes this your best bet for cleaning and the you can pick up air duster cans for just a few bucks from virtually anywhere.

A dusty Deadpool Hot Toys figure in need of cleaning.

2. Swiffer Duster Cloths

Another effective way to clean your Hot Toys figures also just happens to be one of the cheapest and easiest: Swiffer Dusters. These small disposable cloths are perfectly designed to scoop up dust and dirt from your figures, often in just a single pass. Just be careful to use an extremely light touch and not apply any heavy pressure as the fabric can tear and get caught on the figure.

While using this method, you’ll want to also make sure that any larger particles (such as sand or grit) aren’t trapped on the cloth while you’re still using it. Believe it or not, even small grains of debris can actually result is damage to your Hot Toys figure, particularly when it comes to delicate paint work or accessories. Another downside of using a Swiffer is that it is tougher to get into harder to reach places, so these tend to be better for more of a light dusting from time to time.

3. Cosmetics Brushes

Another great option for cleaning your Hot Toys figure is using a simple cosmetic brush. These brushes have incredibly soft and delicate bristles that make them perfect for dusting virtually every part of your sixth-scale figure without worrying about damage.

If you do choose to use one of these brushes, make sure it’s a high quality version that has larger and extremely soft tips. Again, it might seem like overkill to use these types of brushes, but Hot Toys can be extremely fragile and taking the time to use an item like this we’ll ensure you keep your figure clean without worrying about ruining it.

Other Tips for Cleaning Hot Toys

  • Avoid Using Lint Rollers: If your figure has any fabric (such as a cape or cloak) avoid using lint rollers. While these seem great in theory, they can actually cause damage and leave behind debris.
  • Don’t Use Cleaning Products: Avoid using any kind of liquid or household cleaning product to treat your Hot Toys figure. This can actually cause damage to the paint and leave stains on fabric.
  • Don’t Use Soap & Water: If you do have any kind stain and dirt on your figure, try to remove using the methods listed above rather than soap and water, which can actually cause damage.
  • Keep Your Figure Protected: While the greatest part of Hot Toys is displaying them and posing them, you’ll get the most value from your figure by keeping them out of direct sunlight and in a secure area where they’re not likely to get dirty or damaged.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, a few simple and effective ideas for how to clean Hot Toys figures. While it might be a bit of pain, taking the time to routinely clean your figure we’ll ensure you retain its value and that it looks great for as long as you own it.

More About Hot Toys

Learn more at the links below or visit our Hot Toys Collectibles Guide.

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