The Ten Greatest Thanos Funko Pop Figures

The Mad Titan is arguably the greatest Marvel villain of all time, which is why it’s no surprise that there’s countless Thanos Funko Pop figures available for toy collectors and comic book nerds alike. Below are ten of my favorite figures that you may just want to get your gauntlets on in the near future. So snap to it and take a look!

A Thanos Punisher Funko Pop featuring the character from the Earth 18138 reality.

Thanos Punisher Funko Pop! (Earth 18138 Variant)

He’s big, he’s purple, he’s… the Punisher? Pulled from the pages of the Cosmic Ghost Rider comic book series (and the insane Earth-18138 reality), the Thanos Punisher Funko Pop is easily one of the weirdest and most awesome figures I have in my entire collection and a must-have for fans of Frank Castle and the Mad Titan.

A Thanos in the garden Funko Pop figure.

Thanos in the Garden Funko Pop!

Sometimes after a hard day of wiping out half of the galaxy, even the maddest of Mad Titans likes to kick back, dress casual and relax. That’s why this battle-scarred Thanos in the Garden Funko Pop figures is one of our favorites, showing that even a time-traveling tyrant needs to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.

A Blacklight Thanos Funko Pop figure.

Blacklight Thanos Funko Pop!

What’s bright purple, yellow and kinda evil? If you said Wario, guess again. No, it’s this awesome Blacklight Thanos Funko Pop! Featuring a sweet version of the Mad Titan that glows, it’s one ultraviolet (and dare we say it, ultra violent) figure I just couldn’t pass up.

A Gingerbread Thanos Funko Pop figure.

Gingerbread Thanos Funko Pop

In the running for quite possibly the weirdest (and most delicious) version of the Mad Titan ever, is this sweet Gingerbread Thanos Funko Pop, that features everyone’s favorite Marvel villain in all his icing-filled glory. With only a limited number created, you may have to run, run as fast you can just to get one of these (sorry, I couldn’t resist).

A venomized Thanos Funko Pop figure.

Venomized Thanos Funko Pop!

It seems like everyone and their dog has been merged with a symbiote these days, but that doesn’t mean it is isn’t still cool. Case in point: this Venomized Thanos Funko Pop, which combines two of the Marvel universes biggest and baddest bad guys and is one figure I absolutely had to get my tendrils on.

A Thor vs Thanos Funko Pop diorama.

Thor vs Thanos Funko Pop!

The God of Thunder meets the Mad Titan himself in this ultimate showdown set. I actually picked this Thor vs Thanos Funko Pop up when it first came out and it’s been one of mt favorites ever since. It’s hammer vs. gauntlet in the ultimate super-powered Pop smackdown.

A Captain America and Thanos Funko pop diorama.

Captain America and Thanos Funko Pop!

Everyone’s favorite unshaven super solider takes on the ultimate purple-chinned bad ass. I honestly couldn’t wait for this Captain America and Thanos Funko Pop! diorama to come out so I could relive all the glory of one of the greatest scenes in MCU history.

The Thanos Funko Pop Rainbow Infinity Saga figure.

Thanos Infinity Saga Art Series Pop!

Sure, he’s an intergalactic despot who wants to wipe out half the universe. But if this limited edition Thanos Funko Pop from Entertainment Earth is any indication, underneath he’s just a big glittery, rainbow colored softy. And for that reason, this puppy is definitely one of my favorite Funko figures.

A Thanos Funko Pop featuring the Mad Titan snapping an Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos Snap Guardians of the Galaxy Pop!

Some might say he’s wiping out trillions of lives, I prefer to think he’s just snapping along to a super sick beat. In either case, this statue of the Mad Titan standing atop a pile of Funkosized skulls is an absolute must-have for both Pop! and Marvel fans alike.

An Avengers Endgame Thanos Funko Pop.

Avengers Endgame Thanos Pop!

Not everyone has the confidence to pull off a pair of gold-trimmed boots, but the Mad Titan manages to make it look effortless in this amazing Avengers Endgame Thanos Pop. Throw in his double-sized battle-blade and the big purple guy has never looked better.

Read our Other Funko Pop Reviews

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